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Documentaries you need to watch

30 juli 2019

Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. An important day to mark human trafficking, as 40.3 million people still are victims of human trafficking (International Labor Organization). Unfortunately, a problem that also exists in the cocoa industry and in many other industries. Which ones.. ? We’ll share a number of viewing tips, but beware, they are shocking. But very important to be aware of:

The Dark Side of Chocolate (2010)
That children from Burkina Faso are trafficked, to work on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast and Ghana, is not new. This documentary shows - as the title reveals - the dark side behind chocolate. You can watch it on Top Documentary films (or you know of another streaming service is available in the US?).

I am Jane Doe (2017)
This documentary you watch on Netflix and is about human trafficking in the sex industry in America. As in many cases, a lack of legislation made the company, which had a great responsibility, difficult to approach.

In Plain Sight (2018)How young girls are targeted by sex traffickers in America is told in horrible details, in this documentary. The internet plays a major role. And oh yes, you can stream it (paid) on Amazon.

The Ugly Face of Beauty: is child labour the basis of your make-up? (2016)
Yep, the glitters in your makeup are also largely mined by children. This docu shows India's illegal "mica" mines. You can see it on YouTube.

Prefer to read? Read the stories of STOP THE TRAFFIK
On STOPTHETRAFFIK.org you can read stories of individuals of



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