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Tony’s (Un)FAIR Countdown Calendar

Tony’s (Un)FAIR Countdown Calendar
October 01, 2023

Hey there Choco Fan,

Usually, there’s a chocolate behind each door, right? Well, not quite. But it’s for a very good reason..

At Tony’s Chocolonely, our chocolate bars are unequally divided because the chocolate industry is unequally divided.

Big chocolate companies make big profits, while cocoa farmers aren’t paid enough for their cocoa. The result? Many of them still live way below the poverty line. Sometimes this leaves them little choice but to use illegal labor to farm their cocoa. Right now, there are 1.56 million children working illegally and at least 30,000 instances of forced labor on cocoa farms in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Child labor and forced labor just so some folks can enjoy a sweet chocolate treat? Unacceptable!

Tony’s Chocolonely exists to change this. But we can’t do it alone. Choose change in the chocolate industry by sharing our chocolate and sharing our story this festive season.


Your Tiny Tony’s elves

PS. You’ll still get 25 chocolates in 24 doors. There’s still an extra goodie waiting for you closer to Christmas.



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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

ok, what would you like to do with this wrapper

Do you want to customize this wrapper, or create a new one based on the current design?

edit duplicate and edit uuhm, I would like to create one from scratch

Unchanged design

You did not change the design of the wrapper. Do you want to buy the product with the unchanged design?

Edit Buy anyway

Unknown message



Wat voor Tony’s tekst wil je erop?

Je hoeft alleen nog maar je eigen naam en van de gelukkige ontvanger in te vullen. De rest hebben wij al voor je gedaan (sweet!).

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