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team Tony's

Click on one of our Tony's for more info. This way, you'll know who you're speaking to on the phone, who designed our colorful wrappers and who came up with those heavenly flavor combinations (thanks, Eva & Fleur!).

  • Martijn


    "Systematic Ecstatic "



    "Systematic Ecstatic "


    We won't dive into the many qualities of Dolly Parton, but she sure does remind Martijn of his old college in Tennessee. So it's probably not to support the Dutch soccer team when he wears orange, but for the football of the Tennessee Volunteers. Kick off in the middle of the night, Amsterdam time? No prob. Rocky Top, you'll always be home sweet home to me!

  • Laura


    "Choco Plan Fan"



    "Choco Plan Fan"


    So annoying when keys do that: you know you put them in your coat pocket, but they’re not there. Not again, Laura sighs. In the messy drawer? No. In your purse? No? Still in the door? Thankfully not. No, they’re in your coat pocket, exactly where you looked before.

  • Klink


    "Mr. T"



    "Mr. T"

    "Arjen is our resident DJ. He plays just about everything, from ska to pan flute music. When we don’t really dig his selection, we do let him know, but very, very carefully. Arjan has a black belt in karate and can (so he claims) break a pile of wooden planks in half with one hand. At the office, he keeps himself pretty happy."
  • Melissa


    "Golden Wrapper"



    "Golden Wrapper"

    "Ever heard of the ‘embarrassment piece’? Not surprising. It’s the last piece of food on a joint plate. The last piece of cheese, the last piece of cake.. that gets divided and then divided again. Till the last, undividable bit. The embarrassment piece. Melissa just eats that. No shame."
  • Kisha


    "Office Tornado"



    "Office Tornado"

    "Little known fact: Kisha is hooked on Manga. You know: Japanese comic books. If one is no good (One Piece), she’ll move on to the next. But be careful.. give her a Naruto and she won’t even pick up the phone."
  • Barry


    "Doc Ops"



    "Doc Ops"

    "There aren’t many as modest as our Barry, but we would like to point out that he played futsal on the international level for years! Ah well, watching sports is also good fun – if there’s no Dora or Teletubbies on, anyway."
  • Sophie






    "When Sophie grew up in Venlo she sometimes crossed the meadows to school on purpose. Maybe that’s why she dreams about crossing the USA or starting a travel agency in Argentina with her brother. Very handy to have a notebook next to your bed to write down your dreams."
  • Melissa


    "Host of the East Coast"



    "Host of the East Coast"


    Melissa’s Italian American background is something she wears with pride. And something she’s not shy to tell you about; loud, straight forward and with a strong NY accent. Favorite subjects are family and good cooking. Italian, of course, cosa ne pensi?

  • Anne-Wil


    "Choco Co-Captain"



    "Choco Co-Captain"

    "As a self-proclaimed nerd Anne-Wil willfully (probably because of the second part of her name) wants to know how everything works. Everything? Yes, everything. So it doesn’t surprise us that she’s allowed to fly an airplane and that skydiving in a wind tunnel is the only thing left on her bucket list."
  • Rijk


    "Splendor Vendor"



    "Splendor Vendor"

    "Rijk likes to crochet stuffed animals. ‘No need to mention this on the website’ he said. But hey,.,. talents like this deserve a spotlight. Crochet is pretty masculine, right? And there’s nothing wrong with Rijk’s masculinity in the first place. He jumps out off a helicopter on top of a mountain, skis his way down and he has a beard. What a man!"
  • Brittany


    "Choco Midfielder"



    "Choco Midfielder"


    Don’t you just hate it when, in a restaurant, your plate gets taken away whil you’re still eating? So. Annoying. Being rushed when you eat is a pain anyway. Then you’re in good company with Brittany. That, and if you want to drink wine straight from the bottle. Pop!

  • Abby Noel

    Abby Noel

    "Choco Extravaganza"

    Abby Noel

    Abby Noel

    "Choco Extravaganza"

    "Put Hilary Clinton, a blond beach babe, a debate champion and a pole dancer in a blender. Mix it up around 15 minutes and what do you get?.. An Abby Noel! A logical combination in Abby’s universe. Pretty arguable of course. But try to tell that to a top debater like Abby Noel."
  • Frans


    "Bean to Bartender"



    "Bean to Bartender"

    "With three daughters, Frans is Tony’s ladies’ man. Cheering at the pool, haggling over green bean prices, and he can braid hair like nobody’s business. But every once in while he goes off with his friends to watch a Belgian cycling tournament — after all it’s all about balance."
  • Belinda


    "Impacticular Story Teller"



    "Impacticular Story Teller"


    If you like really want to make Belinda happy just invite her for a swim around Prinseneiland. Preferably during summer, because cold water isn’t really her thing. Make it quite a few laps too, because when Belinda gets bored she starts building dangerous structures with random stuff. Due to this hobby she successfully cracked an iPad and lost multiple keys on her keyboard. Well.. as long as nobody gets hurt.

  • Daan


    "Digital Space Invader"



    "Digital Space Invader"

    "Daan likes a joke or two. Didn’t always turn out right in the past, with uncomfortable silences as a result. These awkward moments can still keep him awake at night. When this happens he puts on his favourite slippers and sneaks to the kitchen for a calming piece of fresh mango. Yep.. that’s the life of a comedian."
  • Arie


    "Smooth Operator"



    "Smooth Operator"

    "If you find yourself next to our coffee machine on a Monday morning, you’ll find that Arie always has the best stories from his weekend. Maybe they’ll be about a trip through Amsterdam by boot; maybe they’ll be about karaoke singing in the local pub or the “rijsttafel” dinner he got himself invited to. Double espresso with a bit of milk, please!!"
  • Diara


    "Impact Cheerleader"



    "Impact Cheerleader"

    "Ask Diara about her plans for the future and they all involve cake. What are you going to do this weekend? Cake. What do you want to be when you grow up? Cake. Of course she means she wants to become a cakeshop-lady. In Ghana, if possible. Formidable!"
  • Mike


    "B.I. Baracus"



    "B.I. Baracus"

    "Sometimes you see Mike in front of the door throwing his leg in the air. Are these yoga routines? Is he kicking an invisible football? Is it a compulsive neurosis? None of that. Mike always loses his stuff. That’s why he taped his electronic key to his ankle. Very handy Mike! Big problems need big solutions."
  • Maudi


    "Miss World"



    "Miss World"


    Let me tell you about the birds and the bees.. Maudi can do that like no other. She’s buzzy becoming a beekeeper. Really? Really! You know, those dudes with a big hat and a pipe, that talk to bees. Words sweet like honey she whispers, bzz bzz..

  • Jolien


    "Dream Genie"



    "Dream Genie"

    "Do you know those people, gentle and in the background, that when you start to do games suddenly become very fanatic and force themselves in the spotlight? Meet Jolien. She prefers fast, not too complicated games like Qwixx or Regenwormen but also old skool ones like Rummi or Yahtzee. Or Party &Co, or 30Seconds, man! So always make sure you're on her team."
  • Bas


    "Bas K"



    "Bas K"


    Picture this.. there he is.. at a prestigious concours in Russia with a huge cake in the shape of formula 1 car plus racing track.. The temperature is way too high so the whole thing collapses. It’s tattered and there’s only a half hour left to fix his masterpiece. But he nailed it. Countertop squeaky clean and everything hunky-dory. Cool as Fonzie our Bas. K.

  • Eva


    "Spice Girl"



    "Spice Girl"

    "Lists, lists, lists.. Eva loves 'em. Shopping lists, to do lists at work, lists for chores around the house. It's all about crossing off the lists, of course. Loooove it! Cross it through, done. Maybe a mother list for all other lists?"
  • Christina


    "Host of the Most"



    "Host of the Most"

    "Ayahuasca. We had to look it up and then look at Chris with wonder. That's because it's a hallucinogenic brew from the Amazon. Something Chris would like to try once. Maybe because she can't choose from her 35+ tea collection (talk about too many choices), but probably it's just curiosity. Would you like a cookie with that?"
  • Lisanne


    "Sunshine Seller"



    "Sunshine Seller"

    "Life is sweet. If you’re Lisanne, anyway. She learned how to ride her bike when her mum asked her to buy a popsicle, and nowadays her cabinets are filled with gigantic candy canes, mega popsicles (bought and homemade) and enough cake decorations to fill up a store. Her grandfather was a baker, so.. it’s genetic. Can’t help it. Lovely."
  • Nikhil


    "Lucky Number One"



    "Lucky Number One"

    "Back in India Nikhil was part of the national curling team. There was no ice so they practiced on the tiled floor of a nearby shopping mall. When Nikhil shattered a window display for the third time he run off. He started a new career as a bartender on a cruise ship. So, he knows how to make a good Bloody Mary. Chin-chin!"
  • Bas


    "Acrobatic Dynamic"



    "Acrobatic Dynamic"


    Even though Bas regularly has a new gadget (at this moment a super cool retro PDA), you can’t make him happier than playing an old fashioned game of Portal 2 on the PS3. Single player, ‘cause those 12 year old kids put up too much of a fight. It has to be fun, right?

  • Marijntje







    Gum, anyone? You can skip Marijntje. Talking with gum in your mouth, gum stains on the asphalt, stuck under a table – nothing’s worse than that! But that’s the only thing, besides that life’s one big rainbow.

  • Eleni







    How many artists are still out there.. undiscovered and unknown to the public? Those who do brilliant things indoors. Take Eleni for example.. In front of a mirror she turns into a comedian who plays her imaginary audience like a piano. In the shower she sings Amy Winehouse songs in a way that’ll bring tears to your eyes. So c’mon Eleni, don’t hesitate and take the stage!

  • Marloes


    "Captain Co-Pack"



    "Captain Co-Pack"

    "It's not amnesia, it's just that Marloes her stuff isn't where it's supposed to be. ID cards, pin cards, public service cards (once applied for a new one twice in one week), keys.. Good thing the real important stuff (birthdays and names) are no problem."
  • Carlijn


    "Head Over Wheels"



    "Head Over Wheels"

    "Bring your machete when you visit Carlijn because her house is packed with flowers. Not a surprise that she wants an enormous wildflower garden, just like her grandmother used to have. Later on in life, when she’s grown up."
  • Pelina


    "Ops, I Did It Again"



    "Ops, I Did It Again"

    "Going out with Pelina is great. Not only is she lovely company, she's also very well organised. In her bag you can find all the necessities of modern urban survival: water, umbrella, sunscreen, lip balm, plasters, scissors, a phone charger, chocolate of course.. She likes to be prepared, but there’s always room for more stuff. Any room for a small horse?"
  • Bas


    "Cocoa Control"



    "Cocoa Control"

    "Bas goes out looking for adventure. Always armed with a camera and an impressive amount of camera accessories – lenses, tripods, you name it.. Quite handy if you climb Macchu Pichu or the Kilimanjaro, or go cage diving with great white sharks. Say cheese!"
  • Jerome


    "Money Box-er"



    "Money Box-er"

    "There’s one in every group of friends.. The reliable guy who’s always the cashkeeper during nights out, has to take care of holiday bookings and is always the designated driver.. That’s Jerome for you. But he doesn’t mind. He likes to be in charge of things. And then afterwards a well deserved IPA in his old rocking chair. Cheers!"
  • Peter


    "The American Dream"



    "The American Dream"

    "Our man in America might look like a stiff Dutch guy at first glance, but as soon as the music starts, his hips begin to sway and he fills the dance (or office) floor with the finest Latin moves. Mambo Americano!"
  • Chloé


    "Choco Culture Vulture"



    "Choco Culture Vulture"

    "Even though Chloé is the youngest of four and therefore, and we quote, a bit of a princess, she’s not one to sit back and relax. Roll up those sleeves, boy-o! And then we’re not just talking about her brown-green detox drinks or her cauliflower risotto. Whappa!"
  • Marieke


    "Livin’ la Vida Choca"



    "Livin’ la Vida Choca"

    "Did you know that Marieke once took a course in interior styling. Her house looks picture perfect / designer-magazine perfect. A little designer chair here, a little bouquet of wild flowers a well-chosen coffee table book there. If you ever want to make Marieke happy with a bouquet of flowers, you’ll need to keep one thing in mind – she loves all flowers, just not yellow ones."
  • Paul


    "Impactus Prime"



    "Impactus Prime"


    Powertools, a man can’t do without them, really. Not that you actually have to do anything with them. Just hold them, once in a while. Bzz bzzz. Paul does use them: bike shed here, shelves against the wall there.. Scullery, dining table. And then praying it breaks down again. Bzz bzz!

  • Teun


    "Budget Buddy"



    "Budget Buddy"


    If we ever have that Tony’s Talent Show, Teun will be in front of the line! Guitar in one hand, songs and jokes in the other. And sweat in both. Cause it’s exciting, even if you’re the funny one of the lot. And that’s no joke.

  • Valerie


    "Wrap Paper Scissors"



    "Wrap Paper Scissors"


    Diddle diddle di, Valerie tells you stories, you just wait and see! How to eat a boiled egg under the shower, for example, or that you can easily use ordinary washing up liquid in a dish washer. And organise a foam party at the same time!



  • Ruben






    "It’s a good thing we have a desk disco every six months at Tony’s, because Ruben is an expert in cracking word jokes all day long. Bad jokes, some people call them, but they just can’t appreciate the art of it. Don’t let them put you down, Ruben!"
  • Annabel


    "Choco Chanel"



    "Choco Chanel"

    "No Tony without a nickname and Annabel has the most of all: Bel, Bellie, Bells, Belleboos… just Annabel is fine as well. Having that many nicknames comes in handy when you need her because she likes to daydream when no one’s watching. Bella! Phone!"
  • Sanne


    "Picture Perfect"



    "Picture Perfect"

    "When you’ve got a craving for something really yummy, Sanne’s your go-to girl. She’s famous for her amazing cakes. And when she’s not standing in the kitchen, she goes running or traveling to some far-away place, such as to Zanzibar. When she’s not hard at work, she’s training for a race. Hup, two, three, four!"
  • Vlora


    "Sales Tiger"



    "Sales Tiger"

    "You could say Vlora is caught between two countries (being French and living in Britain), but we think she combines the best of both. Drinking G&T in London and wine in Paris, going back every month to see her family but not eating escargots or cuisses de grenouilles.. La vie est belle."
  • Henk Jan

    Henk Jan

    "Chief Chocolate Officer"

    Henk Jan

    Henk Jan

    "Chief Chocolate Officer"

    "Henk Jan was once a calendar model but he quit all that when he got the chance to become Tony’s Chief Chocolate Officer. He’s forged ahead with plans to create a world of 100% slave-free chocolate and has drafted all of Tony’s family members to help."
  • Naomi


    "Lucky Penny"



    "Lucky Penny"


    Our Naomi is a good laugh. And then we’re talking mainly about her loud, infectious laughter. This makes her easy to find when going out. And when you’re sitting next to her in a roller coaster, you don’t even have room in your head to be scared by the drop. You can let yourself get distracted by her gorgeous, wavy hair.

  • Joost


    "The Sourcerer"



    "The Sourcerer"

    "What’s for dinner tonight? Something Joost likes to think about ‘Cause choices, choices, people! He has a hard time in restaurants, because after a lot of consideration before ordering, he still regrets his choice in hindsight a lot of the time. By the way, did you know no one rivals his potato peeling skills? True story."
  • Dorien


    "Ambassador of Awesomeness"



    "Ambassador of Awesomeness"


    There’s not much to do when you’ve got songs in your head. Especially when it happens all the time, like with Dorien. Michael Jacksons entire oeuvre comes along, a different song every day. Singing out loudly seems to help, but isn’t always appreciated..

  • Nea







    Psst, wake up! It can happen Nea will wake her kids in the middle of the night to come and look at Mars or Jupiter. How cool! Or to sled in fresh snow, or swim in a lake – the latter only in the summer of course.

  • Amber


    "Choco Socialite"



    "Choco Socialite"

    "Do you recognize this? Intending to shake someones hand but it turns into a high five? 4 clumsy kisses instead of 3? If the answer is yes, changes are you've met Amber. Love it. And another kiss coming your way."
  • Sanne


    "Lady GoGo"



    "Lady GoGo"


    Who hasn’t wanted to pet an Opossum? So soft and fluffy! Stray dogs and cats also deserve petting. That you can get bitten doesn’t bother Sanne. Everybody needs love! And sometimes, a rabies shot.

  • Marleen


    "Quality Quarterback"



    "Quality Quarterback"

    "Don't get us wrong, Marleen is not lazy. But, when a vase is in front of the tv, you can see through the flowers just fine you know. It's very efficient to always have a notepad at hand to update your to-do list. \"Moving vase\" for example. Check."
  • Tim







    One time, in the Tuscany hills Tim prepared a Michelin Star worthy meal on just a camping stove. He lit candles, pulled a cold bottle of pinot grigio out of his backpack and looked deep into his girlfriend’s eyes. This situation was far too good to be true.. so, with a quick blow from his elbow, he knocked over the pan. Romantics.. they can be clumsy now and then.

  • Henk


    "Friendly Field Worker"



    "Friendly Field Worker"


    Nothing that relaxes Henk like a good action movie. Bit of of a rumble, explosions, preferably with a guitar-driven soundtrack. Bassie and Adriaan versus the Baron, but on midlife crisis level. Lights out, cell phoned off, the show is about to start!

  • Irene


    "Sooper Trooper"



    "Sooper Trooper"

    "Wombats. They rock. Irene thinks so, at least. She can’t get enough of ’em. Did you know they’re the only animal that can poop squares? And their bum is like a shield with which they can fight and protect their lairs? Irene can tell you all kind of fascinating facts about wombats, bless her. Even the word is great, isn’t it? Wombat. Wom-bat."
  • Heather


    "Choco Catalyst"



    "Choco Catalyst"

    "Everybody has their secret wishes. Heather’s is a complete white bedroom with nothing in it but a big bed with white linen. Call it perfectionism, call it utopic, but it guarantees a good night’s sleep. But watch out with that milk yoghurt passionfruit bar, Heather!"
  • James






    "Don’t you just hate it when people keep singing one line from a song over and over and over again? Even something by Marvin Gaye: “make me wanna holler, the way they do my life. Make me wanna holler, the way they do my life..” James is one of those people. He keeps forgetting the rest, and it annoys his girlfriend, which is sort of a bonus."
  • Sabrina


    "Fire Starter"



    "Fire Starter"

    "It’s not like Sabrina goes looking for competitions, the competitions find her! Grocery packs, a bike, clothes, a skiing trip for 8, a trip to Morocco, she wins all kinds of things. Well, she is very good in writing slogans, or maybe no one else enters. Also, a possibility."
  • Tristan


    "Quality Timekeeper"



    "Quality Timekeeper"

    "Working in the big city sure has it’s benefits but all that nitrogen! Sometimes Tristan closes his eyes and starts building a new home in this Arcadian landscape. Fresh air, lots of green, chickens and a pig.. Splendid! Clap your hands three times to drag Tristan back to reality. But let him have a daydream now and then. "
  • Tom


    "Mr. Fix-IT"



    "Mr. Fix-IT"


    There is no greater joy for Tom than going to the movies. The good man sees all (yes, even chick flics), what sometimes leads to a nice surprise (Dumbo), and sometimes to disappointments (Venom). But it's not just about the movie, of course, but the entire experience. Bottle of Fanta, bag of cheese snacks, that moment when the lights go out.. Showtime!

  • Ingeborg


    "Flavor Flav"



    "Flavor Flav"

    "Some people remember everything—obscure nursery rhymes, a striking little number you wore eight years ago.. Ingeborg is like that. Which comes in handy if you’re stuck in the urban jungle (she used to be a girlscout), but annoying when she has to make you a poem with Sinterklaas."
  • Kirsten


    "Sweet Talk"



    "Sweet Talk"

    "From Hoofddorp to South America, Kirsten travels around. On foot, too, jogging crisscross through Westerpark in Amsterdam — for fun! You better do something if you work in a chocolate factory!"
  • Derk Jan

    Derk Jan

    "King Ping"

    Derk Jan

    Derk Jan

    "King Ping"

    "As a child Derk Jan dreamed of playing for Ajax. Posters of Marco van Basten on his bedroom ceiling and constantly kicking his football.. in the backyard. Not a place where new talent gets discovered. Or your neighbour has to be a talent scout for Ajax. Derk Jan’s neighbour wasn’t. The chocolate branch, then.. A different ballgame but he’s a key player!"
  • Paul


    "King of Happiness"



    "King of Happiness"

    "If you phone Paul after work hours it may just be possible he’s cooking meatballs, and he invites you to come and have one. Not many people are as hospitable and eager to please as our Paulski. Another hard boiled egg, anyone?"
  • Micah


    "The Choctopus"



    "The Choctopus"

    "Traveling on a tight budget, or maneuver a 3 seater through a narrow stairwell? Micah is your guy! He doesn’t get lost in impracticalities. Hard to believe that this mellow fellow once played guitar in an extreme metalband! That’s the kind of music they play in Hell’s waiting room. Rock on Micah!"
  • Joke


    "Inspire to Actress"



    "Inspire to Actress"

    "One thing you can wake Joke for in the middle of the night: night time wildlife sightings. Flying squirrels, leopards, owls.. They’ve woken her in the middle of the night, too: an elephant at an Indian tea plantation that wanted to break through to the kitchen area. But that's India – back home it’s mostly moths, mosquitos and stray cats that intrude. While she’s dreaming over India."
  • Tessa


    "The Beacon Babe"



    "The Beacon Babe"


    Tessa can give people the impression that she’s not interested in their stories. Tessa never wins a staring contest. Tessa seems to follow an invisible fly now and then. What’s going on here? Well.. she has a tic and rolls her eyeballs compulsively. So remember, you’re not a bad story teller. She simply doesn’t only have eyes for you.

  • Marijn


    "Chocolate Accelerator"



    "Chocolate Accelerator"


    Cutting in line is an art form, as we know. Step by step, leaning forward, looking away a bit.. Marijn knows what it’s all about. There we go, put the shopping bag in the way. Who’s next?

  • Arno


    "Sir Fixalot"



    "Sir Fixalot"

    "Familiar with the saying ‘Bleeker noise’? No? To be expected, it’s the name Arno’s friends gave his musical preference. That started out neatly with punk but grew more extreme – and more annoying. Crescendo was a self-recorded CD with organ music, which spontaneously combusted with the last song. And that for someone that wanted to listen to ABBA when he was a kid!"
  • Twerrel


    "Golden Girl"



    "Golden Girl"


    When you come over to Twerrel’s parties you won’t find the standard things you’d find on a Surinam party. Sushi, a Thai buffet, a gigantic pan of paëlla for 80 people.. no prob for Twerrel. We’ll be there next time aswell, ok?

  • Quintin


    "Rollercoaster Poster Boy"



    "Rollercoaster Poster Boy"

    "Who doesn’t know the three c’s? Calmness, cleanliness and continuity. There not much for Quintin. More like: very impatient, mucky and easily bored. No, then the three b’s! Yup: beer, bitterbal, barbecue."
  • Umut


    "First Aid Kid"



    "First Aid Kid"


    An old soul in a young body.. That’s how he’s often been described. But Umut lives in the now and is very successful doing so. Having inner discussions about social issues from different perspectives or writing short stories and even books. A peux sérieux? Not at all.. Umut’s word plays are the best!

  • Thecla


    "Marketing Magic Maker"



    "Marketing Magic Maker"

    "Thecla, that’s that blonde one, right? No, she was 2 weeks ago, but now she’s brown. Or red. Or black. Since she was 17 her hair changes colour every 2, 3 months, in a magical way. Or is it to hide the grey hairs? No way, you don’t wear the same colour clothing every day? There you go. Exactly."
  • Claire


    "Nom Nom"



    "Nom Nom"

    "Claire calls herself ’Buddhist light’. So no orange robes and week-long meditations at the foot of a mountain, but doing good and being nice to animals are a part of it for her. A fly is rescued from a glass of wine and placed carefully on dry land, and it’s quite a gruesome spectacle when her friend tries to squash a moth or spider. Lightning reflexes. Namasté."
  • Eveline


    "Silver Sparkle"



    "Silver Sparkle"


    Some call it crafts, other handiwork, Eveline calls it fröbelen. You know, just doing your thing, making stuff. Pottery, fixing old furniture, getting wild with the sewing machine. Maybe even a bee hotel on the balcony. Good idea!

  • Paul


    "Choco Consolidator"



    "Choco Consolidator"

    "Next to being an expert bean counter, Paul is also a fully certified first-aid responder. Everyone can feel safe with Paul nearby, for example on a camping site, where he loves to hang out on the weekends. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to camping he goes!"
  • Bart


    "Daddy Dinero"



    "Daddy Dinero"


    Look up the word 'sweet tooth' in the encyclopedia and there's a good chance a picture of Bart's next to it. Bag of liquorice, popcorn from the microwave, chocolate spread on the sandwich and syrup and powdered sugar on pancakes.. The dentist knows how to deal with the cavities man. Good thing you don't work at Tony's! Oh wait..

  • Carline


    "Power to the People"



    "Power to the People"

    "Carline’s life is like a musical journey. As a child she wanted to sing in a girlband. As a teenager she was droppin’ bars for the school paper. But nowadays she would like to write songs for musicals. With lots of word jokes in it. Something like “Beauty and the Beatboxer’. What’s that?! Ahhh.. It’s the smell of Broadway."
  • Chiel


    "Master Control"



    "Master Control"

    "An ordered mind in a ordered.. house! Nothing to worry about, but Chiel likes things neat and tidy. TV remote, books, plates, and pens everything is put back in its place before going to bed. And of course, you can’t work at your desk before your bed is made. Like we said: nothing to worry about."
  • Nicole


    "Fraülein Schoko"



    "Fraülein Schoko"


    Do you know that joke about the German that tried to tell a joke? No? Nicole (born and bred in Germany) likes to make jokes about the idea Germans are a humourless people, thus making jokes about herself, and proving the opposite point at the same time. Get it? Wunderbar.

  • Rosie


    "Choco Smile Supervisor"



    "Choco Smile Supervisor"


    That tendency to shorten words, that doesn't make Rosie a happy camper. ‘Prezi’ instead of ‘presentation’? ‘Vacay’ instead of ‘vacation’? ‘Vocab’ instead of ‘vocabulary’? That kind of thing really winds her up. But Rosie’s cool, as we know, so she holds her tongue and doesn’t show. Lucky us.

  • Ynzo


    "Choco Evangelist"



    "Choco Evangelist"

    "What do you call a white fourty year old who likes to blast old skool hip hop? Ynzo! He even does a little dance. No C-walk or B-walk, a T-walk! Red and blue together. Peace out."
  • Ewoud


    "Tony’s Turbo Boost"



    "Tony’s Turbo Boost"

    "You can divide the world in people that open a bag of chips/crisps at the top, and people that open it at the bottom. The fact that there are people who do the latter is a mystery for Ewoud. Not to mention people that eat a biscuit the wrong way around! When we break up a bar of chocolate with Ewoud, we do it at the right side. Just to be sure."
  • Ben


    "Lord Chocolonely III"



    "Lord Chocolonely III"

    "Dawdling, you gotta love that expression. Ben hates it, though. Not the expression, the act. Combination of long legs and impatience, probably. So walking up ahead on holiday, his son jogging behind on the way to school and 'flat tiring people' on the underground. Also a great expression."
  • Lean


    "The Supply Chain Machine"



    "The Supply Chain Machine"

    "“Always look on the bright side of life” is Lean’s attitude. And that includes the little things: playing Risk until the sun comes up, drinking beers in a bar (perhaps while passing around a package of mini ginger snaps)… Yup, our pal Lean knows how to have fun."
  • Frits


    "The Choconator"



    "The Choconator"

    "You wouldn’t say it to look at him, but Frits hails from the suburbs, Nieuwegein to be precise. That probably helped in his general development: Frits is the guy you want on your team the next time you’re competing in a pub quiz. And if it’s a night of karaoke, put on David Bowie. Rebel Rebel!"
  • Shannon


    "Queen Pretty Green"



    "Queen Pretty Green"


    Young Shannon was quite something. She carved her first spelling lessons into the neighbor’s car, which they didn’t appreciate. Spoilsports. Things like this are all in the past. Nowadays, she’s way too busy with her cat hobby. She owns a cat teapot, a cat sweater, and even a cat tissue box holder! Together with her cat she dances to golden oldies like Otis Redding and The Beatles. That’s some serious cat love for ya. Miaow!

  • Ywe


    "The Podfather"



    "The Podfather"

    "When he was a kid, Ywe’s dad gave him hell when he came home with flat tires. Curb cross. Perfected at his paper route to tighten the record for the round. And now with his daughters in the carrier bike [wat is de vertaling van bakfiets?]: ‘faster faster daddy!’"
  • Ivan


    "Choco Explorer"



    "Choco Explorer"

    "Since January 2013 Ivan has been fidgeting in his chair, two-stepping to lunch and answering the telephone with, “Alaaf” (??). Ivan is a genuine Brabander – he flips for carnival! But don’t worry – he’s in just as merry a mood when he’s got his costume on as when he’s got his everyday shirt on."
  • Sylvia


    "Quality Queen"



    "Quality Queen"

    "There’s people that don’t want to be disturbed in their sleep, but they’re peanuts compared to Sylvia. Her baby boy gets away with it, the rest have to fear for their lives. She doesn’t even have to wake up to swat mosquitos, yikes!"
  • Wouter


    "Mister Plantastic"



    "Mister Plantastic"

    "Not sure if he’s actually born on a Sunday, but Wouter does consider himself a sunday’s child. He finds the best appartment in town for the best price. The job he wants suddenly becomes available. By coincidence he happens to join the greatest sport club.. that kinda stuff. Maybe it’s also because he forget the less nice things easily, but still. Lucky dog."
  • Pavi


    "Impact Navigator"



    "Impact Navigator"

    "Pavi is always good for a laugh. 1. She likes to joke around. 2. She starts laughing when she’s nervous. During a security training they gave her the following tips.. 1. Control your laughing! Or 2. Calmly explain to the gunman that you are a nervous laugher. Pretty laughable these kinds of training."
  • Noel


    "Big Rock Candy Mountain"



    "Big Rock Candy Mountain"

    "Noel is a genuine folk singer. It’s purely a domestic profession though. After 7 or 8 ragged versions of Guthrie and Dylan songs the jury gives him the verdict. Woof woof woof woof woof.. ! No Noel, that doesn’t mean ‘we want more’. It’s Doglish for ‘take a break Flop Dylan and give us food.. FOOD!’. Don’t give up Noel.. Practice make perfect."
  • Peejee






    "If you see a blond guy cat crawling on the supermarket’s floor, half hidden behind a display or seated between a pile of fruit with a bunch of bananas on his head.. It’s probably is our Peejee.. Hunting for big bargains and small prices. His freezer is stuffed with hunting trophies. At least 47 packages of butter. Which he really likes. Don’t forget to check the E.D. Peejee!"
  • Nicola


    "Countess of Cocoa"



    "Countess of Cocoa"

    "No coffee for Nicola thanks. Guinness is more her thing. Not for drinking necessarily, but she will impress you with her expert skills. She can tell by the taste how old the kegs are, by the amount of foam if the temperature's right.. and that’s just by holding the pint! Impressive, most impressive.."
  • Wasken


    "Sales Wing Man"



    "Sales Wing Man"

    "It’s pretty impressive when Wasken lifts a football out of the Haarlemmervaart with his feet. But secretly, he is a sore loser: pretends to forget the score, pulling shirts, says “hats off” if the sun’s shining.. Good thing he’s such a sweetie otherwise!"


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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

ok, what would you like to do with this wrapper

Do you want to customize this wrapper, or create a new one based on the current design?

edit duplicate and edit uuhm, I would like to create one from scratch

Unchanged design

You did not change the design of the wrapper. Do you want to buy the product with the unchanged design?

Edit Buy anyway

Unknown message



Wat voor Tony’s tekst wil je erop?

Je hoeft alleen nog maar je eigen naam en van de gelukkige ontvanger in te vullen. De rest hebben wij al voor je gedaan (sweet!).

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