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Tony's Chocolonely Whoopie! Pies

Tony's Chocolonely Whoopie! Pies
May 27, 2020

Oh hey, fancy seeing you here, choco fan! Now that you're here, do you remember the collaboration “More Than Just Dessert”  we did with food and lifestyle photographer Carli Diaz and a bunch of super tasty food spots? If you do, big digital high fives. And if ya don’t, you should know that the point of this sweet collaboration was to come up with some creative ways to use Tony’s and to raise awareness for slave free chocolate

This chunky, funky, fun whoopie pie recipe is one that we're extra excited to share with ya. In 2018 we collaborated with Sqirl in LA to come up with this sweet recipe, and a few others, which were sold at Sqirl to raise awareness for slave free chocolate. But 2018 was some time ago, and the world has changed since then. You might be wondering: what's happened to Sqirl since COVID-19 hit? The answer is something beautiful. 

Starting in April of 2020, Jessica Koslow and the team at Sqirl used the power of their business to create and support the Framily Meals program. Framily Meal offers thousands of meals-for-two and essential items to LA’s out-of-work hospitality professionals free-of-charge. Now, while chocolate doesn't save lives, it can raise spirits so we donated Tiny Tony's to be handed out with Framily Meals. We were proud to partner with Sqirl before, and even more proud of what our friends and partners at Sqirl are doing now. 

With that sweet news in mind, it's time to get down to business! Without futher ado, we present to you the recipe for Tony's Chocolonely whoopie pies:


Whoopie! cookie Ingredients:

  • ½ cup canola 
  • 1 ¾ cup sugar  
  • 4 oz Tony Chocolonely's dark or milk chocolate (2/3 of a big bar) 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 cup all purpose flour  
  • ¾ cup rye flour  
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa powder 
  • 2 Tbsp black cocoa powder (or regular cocoa) 
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder 
  • 2 tsp kosher salt  
  • powdered sugar for rollin’ 


Buttercream ingredients:  

  • 2 egg whites  

  • ½ cup sugar  

  • Just a pinch of salt  

  • 2 oz Tony's Chocolonely milk chocolate (that's about 1/3 of a big bar)  

  • 2 Tbsp white sesame tahini 

Let's start with cookies

In a double boiler melt the dark or milk chocolate so it’s ready for the coming steps. If ya don’t have a double broiler, a pot full of water with a glass or metal mixing bowl will do just fine! 

In a mixer with paddle attachment, mix the sugar and oil until nice ‘n combined. Now get your camera ready for some chocolate action, ‘cause it’s time to pour that melted chocolate in. You know, if ya hadn’t decided to use it as hot chocolate instead yet.  

Next, add eggs and vanilla one at a time. Mix ‘em up until they’re combined. Time to add in the dry ingredients! Mix them in until they’re just combined. Now that that’s done, your mixture should look like brownie batter, which is to say, very tempting.  

Put your batter in refrigerator at least 30 minutes - 1 hour, until it’s firm. Time to kick back and relax! If you’re looking for an activity to get you through the resting period, it’s just about the perfect amount of time to watch the Bitter Chocolate episode of Rotten on Netflix and learn a thing or two. Oh, and preheat your over to 350.  

To finish off your whoopie pie cookies, roll your cool dough into whatever ball size you’re lookin’ for. Then, roll your cookie ball in bowl of powdered sugar and bake ‘em at 350 for 10-12 minutes. 

Now for the buttercream

Add egg whites, sugar, and salt in a heat proof bowl. Heat the mixture over a double boiler until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is warmed through. Mix in a stance mixer (the mixer is real important here) with whisk attachment on high speed until meringue forms and the bowl is cool to the touch. Add butter slowly, scraping the bowl to make sure to get all that creaminess in there. Once the butter is fully incorporated, add melted chocolate and tahini. Salt to taste and seal with a chef’s kiss before enjoying.  



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zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

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Wat voor Tony’s tekst wil je erop?

Je hoeft alleen nog maar je eigen naam en van de gelukkige ontvanger in te vullen. De rest hebben wij al voor je gedaan (sweet!).

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