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Hand in hand with Afriek

Hand in hand with Afriek
8 oktober 2018
The Tony’s Limited Editions from 2018 are available and this year we have a special partnership. Together with the Dutch fashion label Afriek, we developed a collection of unique cotton tote bags in the same prints as the wrappers of the Limited Editions. Why we have chosen this and what is so special about this collaboration, we explain to you in this blog.
Food for thought: equal relationships 
Afriek is a high-end fashion brand that goes beyond fair production. The vision of the brand is a world where everyone treats each other as equals. Just like us, Afriek believes in direct and equal business relationships. Gooo Afriek! That's why every piece of clothing is made by a talented clothing maker who gets a fair price for it. With their income, the tailors can develop, save and invest in their future. Something we all want, right? With an item from Afriek in your cupboard, you contribute to this and you can be quite proud of that!

Wanna bag? 
The clothing of Afriek is made in Rwanda with fabric from the African market. Nice and colorful and cheerful! Between you and the tailor, there is only Afriek and possibly a shopkeeper. You will not get much more direct. To tell the personal story behind the production process is on the inside of all items of a label with the name of the tailor who put your garment together. This is of course no different with the bags of Tony’s x Afriek! You can also read the story about our collaboration. And .. you can write your own name next to that of the tailor; this is how we visualize the equal world that Tony’s and Afriek have in mind. Enneh .. curious who made your bag? On the Afriek website you can get to know all tailors a little better!
The wrappers or Tony’s new Limited Editions have a special look; every wrapper is different and that means that more than 500,000 wraps have been made (jup, extra chocolate for our designers this month!) We have not only made wraps from the same prints, but also the tote bags that will be available from 14 September are exclusively available in all branches of the Bijenkorf and in Tony's Stores. Meet the tailors at afriek.com. 


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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

oké, wat wil je doen met deze wikkel

Wil je deze wikkel aanpassen, of een nieuwe maken op basis van het huidige ontwerp?

aanpassen dupliceren en aanpassen uuhm, ik wil een helemaal nieuwe maken

Alright, what do you want to do with this unlimited

edit duplicate and edit Err, I just want tot create totally new one

Unchanged design

You did not change the design of the wrapper. Do you want to buy the product with the unchanged design?

Edit Buy anyway

Unknown message

Write a personal message and don't forget to sign with your own name

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