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Finally official figures..

25 oktober 2018
Today our Cocoa Game Changer Arjen Boekhold speaks with representatives of governments and authorities about the abuse in the cocoa sector at the European launch event of the Global Slavery Index (GSI). Last year the Chocolonely Foundation, together with the Walk Free Foundation and Tulane University, commissioned research into illegal working conditions (including modern slavery) in the cocoa sector. We are very proud that for the first time an independent investigation has been done that gives an indication of the extent of the problem. The results presented today are: 30,000 adults and children are victims of modern slavery, and this is reflected in the Global Slavery Index 2018. The researchers have only investigated the official areas where on average to much cocoa is produced. Not in recently deforested areas where cocoa is grown illegally. From stories we understand that the circumstances there are even worse, so there are probably many more victims than the 30,000 mentioned. Now nobody can ignore it anymore. Only together can we make chocolate 100% slave free! Do you want to help Tony’s Chocolonely make all chocolate 100% slave free? Then sign up as a Serious Friend and find out more about how we can do this together during the best annual FAIR meeting of the year on Tony's FAIR November 29.


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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

oké, wat wil je doen met deze wikkel

Wil je deze wikkel aanpassen, of een nieuwe maken op basis van het huidige ontwerp?

aanpassen dupliceren en aanpassen uuhm, ik wil een helemaal nieuwe maken

Alright, what do you want to do with this unlimited

edit duplicate and edit Err, I just want tot create totally new one

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