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Bye bye milk popcorn disco sprinkles

17 april 2019

Now that we’ve added a new flavor to the Exclusive family (you know, milk shortbread caramel) we have to say goodbye to an oldie: milk disco sprinkles. In this blog we’re looking back one more time on this colourful bar and we’ll explain what the Exclusives are about and where you can find the last ones..  

One for in the books   

That disco sprinkles.. it made its comeback in 2015 as a Limited Edition. But our choco fans loved it so much that it came back in 2016 as an Exclusive. In a new jacket.  

Popcorn not according our sourcing principles 

Because our milk shortbread caramel is a milk bar, another milk bar had to go: milk coffee crunch or milk popcorn disco sprinkles. The popcorn in our milk disco sprinkles is a special kind of popcorn: this is the only kind that can be processed in chocolate. But unfortunately, this type popcorn isn’t made in a way that adheres to our sourcing principles anymore and that makes it difficult to make our milk popcorn disco sprinkles.  

Tony’s Exclusives 

So.. what’s up with those Exclusives again? Every year we launch three Limited Editions of which one may return as an Exclusive. We started with our Exclusvie bars to keep our choco fans on their toes (‘crazy about chocolate’ as we are) and to offer our first customers something exclusive. That’s why our Exclusives – as the name reveals – are exclusively available at our non-supermarket stores that sell Tony’s: Marqt, the Bijenkorf, Jamin, Wereldwinkels, WAAR!, gift- and delicacy stores. You’ll find ‘em in our Tony’s Home Store (Pazzanistraat 1), Tony’s Super Store (Oudebrugsteeg 15) and in the Tony’s Chocoshop. Starting in April 2019 on our Exclusives will consist of the following flavours: milk coffee crunch, dark meringue cherry, white Stracciatella and now milk shortbread caramel as well. Yummy!  



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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

oké, wat wil je doen met deze wikkel

Wil je deze wikkel aanpassen, of een nieuwe maken op basis van het huidige ontwerp?

aanpassen dupliceren en aanpassen uuhm, ik wil een helemaal nieuwe maken

Alright, what do you want to do with this unlimited

edit duplicate and edit Err, I just want tot create totally new one

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