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Borre Akkersdijk influencing industry

borre akkersdijk

influencing industry


When Borre Akkersdijk graduated as a designer, he had high hopes of going global by creating a sustainable fashion brand.. but somewhat lower expectations for changing the world. One individual vs an entire industry? Sounds a lot a-lonely..

Yep, Big Textile has a lot in common with Big Choco. And we see a lot of ourselves –and find loads of inspiration – in Borre’s approach to influencing industry change. In particular, his realization that everyday consumers have the numbers needed to influence industry change.. all they’re missing is someone to get them better informed. And that’s the power of a good product with a good story.


“Why am I always bringing a Tony’s bar? Because I can talk about it.”

No surprise, Borre came up with an amazing product and an awesome story. His fabric innovation studio BYBORRE is working on the frontiers of material development. And it’s started a textile revolution with a unique production method that not only lowers costs but also waste. Big names like Adidas, BMW and Rapha are already hooked on his highly functional and aesthetically incredible new knits, helping BYBORRE make the world of fashion and interiors more sustainable.

In Episode 2 of Tony’s Chocolloquium, Borre chats to Amelia Høy about the dangers of industries with closed doors, creating a benefit for people to change, and equipping creators to tell compelling stories.

check out BYBORRE.com

or go to:



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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee yes, excellen

oké, wat wil je doen met deze wikkel

Wil je deze wikkel aanpassen, of een nieuwe maken op basis van het huidige ontwerp?

aanpassen dupliceren en aanpassen uuhm, ik wil een helemaal nieuwe maken

Alright, what do you want to do with this unlimited

edit duplicate and edit Err, I just want tot create totally new one

Unchanged design

You did not change the design of the wrapper. Do you want to buy the product with the unchanged design?

Edit Buy anyway

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