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Tony’s Chocolloquium

tony’s chocolloquium

Talking sweet solutions with serious changemakers


10 minutes. 2 changemakers. 1 sweet solution. Welcome to Tony’s Chocolloquium: the new series about shaking up the status quo to solve some of the world’s big issues. Because a fair society isn’t just built by a fair chocolate industry – and takes more sweet solutions than just our chocolate.

Join our host Amelia Høy – actor and voice against racism – in conversation with 5 of Tony’s favourite social activists for a fortnightly dose of inspiration to make change happen. Couldn’t be simpler! (You know, to contrast with the tricky title*).

*Choco-what-i-um? Oh, you know, just a casual word play on ‘colloquium’, a kind of question-and-answer style seminar (from the Latin for talking together).

episode 5

Saikat Chakrabarti

reshaping politics

What if we confronted every challenge with the attitude “why not try”? For Saikat Chakrabarti, the alternative is often just too frightening to contemplate. And that’s been great news for US politics, which has seen a shift from power-hungry to people-centric candidates and greener policies under his watch. Meet the tech entrepreneur, political power adaptor and climate activist raining change on unprogressive parades..

watch episode 5 here

episode 4

Chetna Gala Sinha

tackling inequality

What if we all took our courage and turned it into capital? Chetna Gala Sinha did that quite literally by starting the world’s first bank for rural women in India, against all odds. She heard “no” more times than she could count but persevered to create greater gender equity through financial independence. Meet the activist, banker and farmer who shows how rejection can become one’s main motivation in life..


watch episode 3 here

episode 3

Jehiel Oliver

disrupting ecosystems

What if, instead of trying to bring solutions to people, we worked with the people who live the problems we’re trying to solve? By hiring local talent, Jehiel Oliver cut to the quick of why the farming ecosystem in Africa was so outdated – and quickly developed a sharing economy app for agriculture to reshape the system. Meet the social entrepreneur and CEO of Hello Tractor..

watch episode 3 here

episode 2

Borre Akkersdijk

influencing industry

What if the people who have critical mass – power in number to influence change –were told the stories that would incite that change? When Borre Akkersdijk graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven he doubted designers could change the world. Then he realised the power products hold to influence shifts and shake up industry behaviour. Meet the fabric innovator and founder of BYBORRE who’s influencing Big Textile’s game..


watch episode 2 here

episode 1

Gina Martin

laying down the law

What if we all took one injustice that really mattered to us, and made it our mission to fix it? That’s exactly what Gina Martin did – and changed the world for millions of sexual harassment victims by campaigning to rewrite the law in the UK. Meet the speaker, author and upskirting activist who doesn’t take injustice sitting down..

watch episode 1 here

On our mission to make 100% slave free the norm in chocolate, we’re often invited to share our story of changing the chocolate industry from within. Now it’s our pleasure to invite others to do the same. From influencing industry and disrupting ecosystems to tackling poverty, reshaping politics, and laying down the law, these stories show that the change we’re campaigning for in the chocolate industry is change that’s needed the world over. Together we’ll make a fairer society the norm!

Tune in to the latest episode of Tony’s Chocolloquium to be inspired. Let’s raise the bar



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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee ja, prima

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edit my existing design duplicate and edit the new wrapper actually..i'd like to create a new design from scratch

Unchanged design

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Edit Buy anyway

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