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change begins withconversation
Tony’s Conversation Bars are made to get you talking about some serious issues – not just in the chocolate industry, but across the world. Get these limited edition flavours exclusively at Waitrose & Partners in the UK from 3rd - 25th Jan, in selected Irish retailers, and from our online chocoshop while stocks last.

What does

In Equality

mean to you?

What does

In Inhuman

mean to you?

What does

In Justice

mean to you?

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

Conversation starter
Company profits should be shared
Businesses will always put profit before people
Being fined for breaking the law makes people more accountable  
Equal opportunities
Choco tastes better if it was fairly made 
Equal pay for equal work
If I don’t know about injustice, I can’t be held accountable
If someone commits a crime, their reasons are irrelevant  
I’d take a pay cut if it helped tackle income inequality 
If I see an injustice happening  I’m also guilty  
My success in life is due to certain privileges
If I see a very cheap product, I wonder at what cost
Not everyone can afford to make ethical choices 
I boycott brands that don’t pay their workers fairly 
I’ve been denied opportunities or treated unfairly because of who I am  
Paying people more
Legislation is the way to stop injustice from happening 
We will never be able to achieve a level playing field for all 
It’s on me to find out if what I buy is made fairly 
One person’s freedom ends where another’s begins 
The rich have an obligation to help the poor 
 my choices won’t have much impact
Rights create freedom
We should pay more for our choco 
Kids should not work
Young people should have more voting power

Join the conversation IRL and online #ConversationBars. And try our 3 brand-new limited-edition flavours. They’re as bold as the conversations they’ll start:

equality – milk chocolate caramel almond nougat pretzel sea salt (our crunchiest bar ever)  

human – dark chocolate lemony caramel cocoa biscuit (a new vegan-friendly bar) 

justice – white chocolate raspberry biscuit sprinkles  (a much-requested new white bar)

Equality, justice and human behaviour are serious issues in the chocolate industry – and closer to home in the UK and Ireland too.

Change is needed. And we believe change begins with conversation. Our new bars are designed to provoke real conversations that spark the empathy we need to create a fairer world.

We’ve stripped back our typical Tony’s wrapper style to give these 3 serious issues the spotlight. Creating space for everyone to share their voice. Because empathy happens when we’re all heard. And boom! That’s how change begins.

Join the conversation. Use the space on the wrappers to have your say and share on social media with #conversationbars. Or get the real talk going IRL with our bars as your beginning.

Equality. Humanity. Justice. Truth is these 3 issues are all tangled up in the world as we know it. So, we think the conversations around them should go hand in hand too.

The Conversation Kit includes all 3 Conversation Bars, along with the Conversation Cards game. That’s right, we’ve created a sweet ‘n’ simple card game to help get the real talk flowing over a bar of choco (or 3).

Get these limited edition flavours exclusively from Waitrose & Partners in the UK from 3rd – 25th Jan.

Ireland: In store at Fresh, Brown Thomas and Fallon & Byrne in Dublin and online from Reuzi.ie and Earthmother.ie

Or bag your Conversation Kit at our chocoshop while stocks last.



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je hebt een limited in je mandje zitten, daar kun je geen normaal product bij doen.

zullen we de inhoud van je tassie vervangen voor de limiteds?

nee ja, prima

what would you like to do

edit my existing design duplicate and edit the new wrapper actually..i'd like to create a new design from scratch

Unchanged design

You did not change the design of the wrapper. Do you want to buy the product with the unchanged design?

Edit Buy anyway

Unknown message



just add your personal message and name

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