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Raise the bar! Albert Heijn doet mee!

Raise the bar! Albert Heijn doet mee!
29 november 2018

Alle chocofans en Serious Friends opgelet..

BREAKING NEWS vanaf Tony's FAIR 2018. Zojuist kondigden onze Chief Chocolate Officer Henk Jan samen met Henk van Harn (Vice President Houdbaar & Non Food) van Albert Heijn en Antoine de Saint-Affrique (CEO) van Barry Callebaut op het podium van Tony’s FAIR aan dat we gaan samenwerken.


Alberth Heijn will be the first company to purchase cocoa according to the five sourcing principles of Tony’s Chocolonely, they will do so for chocolate brand Delicata, and will join us in our mission. Setting an example works! Wooow, we’re so proud!

From March 2019 on, the Delicata bars can be found on the shelves in Alberth Heijn with their own slave-free button. The cocoa beans in the cocoa mass of the Delicata bars are traceable and purchased at a higher price at Tony’s cooperatives in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Albert Heijn will enter an active and long term partnership with the cooperatives. Barry Callebaut, the biggest chocolate maker in the world, facilitates this collaboration by individually separating the processes from cocoa to chocolate.

Tony’s Chocolonely was founded to make 100% slave free chocolate the norm. We are an impact organization who makes chocolate. Together we can make more impact. That is why we open up our way of working for others to use as well. Tony’s Open Chain is the ‘open source’ platform where every chocolate company can find all the needed knowledge and tools. Such as Tony’s Beantracker or the Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System, which are both implemented at all the cooperatives of Tony’s Chocolonely. Open source? Oh yeah, Tony’s meets Silicon Valley. Because together we move faster.

Albert Heijn is the first to join Tony’s Open Chain, with their chocolate brand Delicata. A first step and mark our words, many will follow. Together with Albert Heijn and Barry Callebaut we will raise the pressure on the cocoa industry to eliminate illegal child labor and modern slavery. Together we make all chocolate 100% slave free! Let’s Raise the bar! 

Read the official press release, which was send out today together with Albert Hein and Barry Callebaut (link)

*What are the five sourcing principles again? Ok, here we go: 1. traceable beans, 2. higher prices, more than the certification premium, 3. long term relationships, 4. strengthen the cooperatives and 5. ensure the quality and productivity together. The sum of these five principles is what makes a living income for a cocoa farmer possible. The first crucial step to end social misconceptions. Anonymity also disappears from the chain, you know who harvests the cocoa beans and also under which conditions.

Klik hier voor het persbericht van Albert Heijn en Barry Callebaut


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